New Ross District Museum Society

Board of Trustees
The New Ross District Museum Society is led by a volunteer board of trustees elected by the membership of the Society at its annual general meeting. The board meets a minimum of 8 times a year.

Our current Board of Trustees:  

New Ross District Museum Society
Board of Trustees as of 2024-03-25

Gerald Keddy President
Dana Veinot Vice President
Chris Atwood Treasurer
Jackie MacDonald Secretary

Janet Morphew
Janet Larder
George Broome
Evelyn White
Judy O'Leary

Members at Large


This is a non-profit Society registered under the Societies Act of the Province of Nova Scotia. The Society is made up of a membership that elects the Board of Trustees (from their ranks) to operate the Society on their behalf.

Amendments to bylaws:

Proposals moved and accepted at the board meeting of the New Ross District Museum Society on April 20, 2022.

Chair Betty Lou Ward reported the Committee had met and these recommendations were

Article 21 shall read; Retiring Directors shall be replaced at an Annual General Meeting.
Directors who have served their full nine years shall be ineligible for nomination for a minimum
period of three full years or one full term from the date of their retirement.

Article 34 shall read; Quorum shall consist of five ( 5) Directors. No business shall be
conducted at any meeting of the Board of Directors unless a quorum is present to open the
meeting and upon request, before a vote. Directors attending meetings via electronic means
are considered “present”. However Directors are expected to make every effort to attend all
meetings in person.

Article 37 shall read; The officers shall be elected by the Directors and shall be the Chair, the
Vice Chair, Treasurer and corporate Secretary. The Treasurer’s position may be shared by two
Board at the discretion of the Board, thereby appointing Co-Treasurer’s.
Ellen Gaudet moved an amendment to Article 34 seconded by George Broome. The last
line in Article 34 will now be read. Directors are encouraged to make every effort to
attend all meetings in person. Motion carried.