Learning Centre

The Learning Centre at Ross Farm Museum features dynamic visitor space that includes changing exhibits, a working hearth, fully functioning industrial kitchen and classroom space for traditional workshops. The Learning Centre is also home to the New Ross Historical Society and houses The Pedlar's Shop gift shop stocked with high-quality Nova Scotia made products.

The Learning Center also features:

  • Free Wi-Fi access
  • Outside picnic area with shaded picnic tables
  • 5 washrooms including two with changing tables
  • Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance and washrooms
  • Inside sitting space great for visitors that want to bring a lunch or enjoy a cup of coffee from The Pedlar's Shop


A Space for Education and Community

Public areas of the Learning Centre include:

  • Accessible, dynamic visitor space with new facilities – including washrooms.
  • Classrooms for ongoing school and educational groups – flexible space for workshop programs, encompassing rural leadership, sustainable agriculture, and heritage skills preservation.
  • A working hearth, surrounded by a heritage kitchen, the centre core of the new building, backed by a fully functioning industrial kitchen.
  • Exhibition space for historical artifacts dedicated archive and research rooms.

With the building of our Learning Centre, the dream to fully dedicate the historical buildings on Ross Farm property to their original and heritage appropriate functions were finally realized.


Support our Learning Centre!

For more information please contact us toll free at 1-877-689- 2210 or rossfarm@novascotia.ca



If you would like to mail your donation, please make cheques payable to "Ross Farm Museum Building Fund".

For our printable donor pledge form - click here

Send to:

Box #238 
Highway # 12
New Ross, NS B0J 2M0

If you would like to donate securities to Ross Farm, please click here 
(Donation goes through Canada Helps)